

Student’s Perspective on Serbia’s Growing Protest Movement

Marija, a 23-year-old Serbian student, usually studies at her university. But now, like many others, she is helping to organize and mobilize student protests...

04 mrt 2025

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Iraq's continuous ecological struggles after years of conflict.

Conflict is sadly something people in Iraq know all too well. Although the country has been relatively stable for the past few years, all generations will...

13 nov 2024

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phosphorus bomb on lebanon

Another crisis for Lebanon; How the conflict is taken its toll on a country that already suffers greatly from climate change

Apart from great human suffering, the ongoing war is leaving its marks on Lebanon’s environment. The effects on the environment are diverse: to begin with, the...

05 nov 2024

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Infographic over mogelijke gevolgen van mijnbouw in een riviervallei

Lithium mining project in Serbia: should authoritarianism be rewarded with lucrative EU deals?

After years of back and forth between the Serbian government, the judiciary, protestors and mining companies, the lithium mine in the Jadar Valley might...

03 okt 2024

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droge grond

Unveiling the MENA region's Water Crisis

The recent floods in Libya are a harsh wake-up call, showing that there are some serious ecological problems lurking within the Middle East and North Africa...

28 sep 2023

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header international democracy day

International Day of Democracy

The 15th of September was established as the International Day of Democracy by the United Nations. This year's theme is 'empowering the next generation'. In...

14 sep 2023

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Milka en Sybren bij het Global Greens Congress

GroenLinks bij het Global Greens Congress!

Eens in de vijf jaar komen Groenen van over de hele wereld samen; van vertegenwoordigers van Groene Partijen tot inheemse gemeenschappen, het maatschappelijk...

26 jun 2023

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Groepsfoto FYEG GA

Young European Greens Gather in Barcelona for Inspiring General Assembly

The vibrant city of Barcelona played host to an uplifting gathering of young environmental activists from all over Europe during the three-day General Assembly...

22 mei 2023

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Logo International Foundation GroenLinks

Eerste vrijwilligersavond IFG!

IFG zoekt mensen die zich voor de stichting willen inzetten. Donderdag 30 maart kwamen we bijeen voor een eerste verkenning!

06 apr 2023

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Yasmine met de studenten

IFG bezoekt Marokko op Internationale Vrouwendag

8 maart was het Internationale Vrouwendag. Yasmine Bentoumya sprak in Marokko over haar ervaringen als vrouw in de politiek.

23 mrt 2023

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Thumbnail, IFG logo wit op groene achtergrond

Samenwerken over de grens aftermovie

On December 10th we organized our very first event within the Netherlands. Watch our aftermovie, made by Marit van der Heijden, here!

24 jan 2023

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Gebke, Joost and the board of the Georgian Greens in front of a board with their logo

Meeting our partner the Georgian Greens

Political movements in Georgia are emerging, such as the green movement Georgian Greens. We got together mid July to join forces and strengthen our network.

22 jul 2022

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