Like last year, IFG is organizing an event on the Northern Africa and Middle East (MENA) region in The Netherlands on 14th November. The topic of the event is: “The ecological effects of war; conflict and the green movement in the Middle East”. The direct and indirect effects of war on the ecology are indisputably enormous. To begin with, there is the direct ecological effects of destruction of infrastructure as well as natural resources. Secondly, we see the specific effects of use of chemical and other weapons on ecological capital such as water, air and biodiversity. An example is the use of white phosphorus by Israel in Lebanon, of which the long-term effects on for example farmland are unknown. And third, we see that conflicts have a paralysing effect on the development of green policies; in crisis there is little room for manoeuvre and the actors are limited in time, financial resources and capacities.
We will bring together various perspectives of our partner organisations in Lebanon and Iraq to hear about their experiences, how this has impacted their organisation, and how they strive to still bring the green agenda forward. Depending on their situation, they will reflect on the effect of past conflicts, current conflicts or conflicts in other countries on ecology and the green movement. In addition we will invite experts on the topic and policymakers to reflect, so that we can discuss ways forward for the different actors involved. See an overview of all speakers at the bottom of the page.
Join us on the 14th of November in Utrecht! Please sign up through the form below.